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Create and manage playlists

Create and manage playlists

Playlists availability on wikiloops

Creating and managing playlists requires a wikiloops user account, and creating albums is reserved to members who upgraded their account.
Listening to playlists and albums does not require a user account, so if you are here to have a listen, continue on the wikiloops for listeners page.

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How to save tracks in a playlist

Setting up playlists happens as you save a track, and you may set up multiple playlists to keep different collections separated - be it one list to store practise routines, one favorite-for-listening or a collaborations-to-join list.

just follow these steps to set up your first playlist:

Navigate to the track you would like to add to your playlist
Click on the "Add to..."-button below the audio player and choose "Playlist" from the drop-down menu.
A pop-up dialogue opens and you are asked to enter a name for your playlist.
Enter a name and confirm to create the playlist and to save the track.
From now on, the pop-up dialogue will offer you to add any following tracks either to the playlist you just created, or to create a new list.
The pop-up displays a confirmation message when the track has been added to your playlist.
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Where to find my playlists

To browse your playlists, navigate to your user profile by clicking on your username in the top navigation.
Locate the "playlists"-tab and open it,
and you will either land right on the page displaying your playlist (if you have just one), or to a screen listing all of your playlists.
In the second case, open the playlist you would like to listen to by clicking on the list entry.

For a quick reference on the player controls including the shuffle mode option, please check the audio player controls page.

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Editing a playlists order and deleting tracks

To edit a playlist, navigate to the playlist to edit as described above, then click on the "edit"-button offered in the top right corner of the playlists tab.
Now, switch to the "playlist"-tab within the player area to see the tracks list, which now shows the following additional buttons to allow editing:

Delete this track from your playlist
Move one track up
Move one track down
Move to the top (beginning) of the playlist
Move to the end of the playlist
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