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wikiloops news feed introduction & purpose
The newsfeed (or "news"-tab) is a part of the wikiloops user profile which is only visible to the profile owner.
That being said, it should be self-explanatory that a members account and prior log in are required to get to see your newsfeed.
The purpose of the newsfeed is to offer you an overview about things that are of interest to you as they happen, and to keep you up-to-date with what your collaborators of choice have been up to.
The activity level on your newsfeed depends on you:
The more you interact with other users on wikiloops, the more activity will happen on your newsfeed,
and by following musicians you like your newsfeed can be turned into a way of getting right to the good stuff without needing to browse around.
Available newsfeed notifications and how to enable them
Some newsfeed items will only appear under certain conditions (for example, you need to have contributed a track to receive notifications on comments on your track), while others can be triggered by other users activity.
Here is an overview of all possible newsfeed notifications and -where applicable- the requirements to receive those.
New follower notice
appears whenever someone chooses to follow you.
Band invitation notice
Appears whenever someone invites you to a private band space on wikiloops.
New track by followed user notice
Appears whenever a musician whom you are "following" shares a new track.
Watchlist remix alert notice
Appears when a track which you have added to your watchlist receives a remix.
New comment reply and comment-like notice
Appear whenever a user replies to or "likes" a comment you have left on some track or other content.
New comment on your track notice
Appears when someone comments on a track you uploaded.
New track interaction notice
Appears whenever someone gives "Thumbs up" on one of your tracks.
New remix of your track notice
Appears when a remix of one of your tracks is shared on wikiloops.
Track added to wikiloops album notice
Appears when someone has added one of your tracks or a remix of one of your tracks to a wikiloops album.
New Band upload notice
Appears when someone uploads a new track to a band project which you have either started yourself, or joined after being invited.
Lyric interaction notice
Appears when a user gives "Thumbs up" for lyrics you posted along with a track.
Forum post interaction notice
Appears when someone "likes" a forum post of yours.