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Start a private band & invite people to your group

Start a private band & invite people to your group

Creating a band project

Taking part in private bands you have been invited to requires a members account.
Setting up new bands as covered on this page is only available within upgraded member accounts.

To set up a private band project, log in and follow these steps:

Navigate to your user profile by clicking on your username in the top navigation panel.
On your profile, open the "bands"-tab.
Navigate to the band-setup-page by clicking on the button offering to start a new band, displayed at the top of the "bands"-tab.
On the band setup page, you are offered a form to configure the three aspects of:
- Naming the group and personalizing the band pages look by adding a banner image and description
- Assigning storage space to the group and configuring the FilePool standard behaviour and
- inviting wikiloops members and / or other friends who do not hold wikiloops member accounts at the time of being invited.

Only choosing a band name and assigning storage is mandatory to start a band.
Follow the explanations offered within the form to enter the desired invitations and settings.
When you are done with the configuration, confirm either by clicking the "skip inviting people & start band"-button in the storage assigning box, or the "send invitations & start band"-button at the bottom of the page.
You are being redirected to the newly created band page.
To offer a convenient way to access your band on future visits, a link to the band-page is added to the "bands"-tab on your user profile.
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Who may invite people to a band project?

As a bands founder, you may grant access to your band to other people by inviting them to your band.
Depending on wether the invited person does already have a wikiloops members account or not, there are two optional ways offered to invite someone to a band.
You may invite people either during the creation of a band project or later via the "band managing"-page, which is only accessible to you in your role as the bands founder.
To navigate to the "band management"-page, click on the "Manage band"-button offered in the head area of your bands page.

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Before you invite anyone to a band project...

Please be aware of two things:
You may not "kick out" anyone who has been invited, so it is recommended to communicate the aim of your band ahead of inviting people.
If -for example- you would like to use the band for serious collaborations on your next album or other sensitive content, better make sure to have talked about this with the people whom you will grant access.

It is generally recommended to only invite people who you know personally or have been in touch with via wikiloops before sending out a band invitation.
Random band invitations sent to wikiloops members have very little chance of being accepted, and are considered as bad practise,
When inviting your real life band members to your wikiloops band-space, it might be wise to tell them ahead that they will receive a wikiloops band-invitation by email, too.

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Inviting non-wikiloops-members to your band

You may invite people who do not have a wikiloops membership account to your band by sending them an automated invitation email.
We have optimised the procedure towards being as convenient as anyhow possible for the invited person, while ensuring not to compromise the privacy of your band space.

The invitation procedure which the band founder may initialize either during the bands creation or later via the band-managing-page works like this:

You provide the email address of the person to invite and a nickname to address the recipient by in the offered non-member invitation form.
Once you confirm by clicking the "Send invitations"-button below the form, the invited person receives an email from wikiloops, which contains a short "you have been invited"-statement,
a unique hyperlink which the invited user should click and a system generated password.
When following the provided link, the invited person opens your band page and is recognized as having been invited by email by the unique part of the linked address. A pop-up dialogue opens and greets the invited person.
In the opened dialogue, the invited person may edit the Nickname you entered to his or her final username and is asked to enter the password provided in the invitation email, and to accept the wikiloops terms of use before proceeding.
Given the password was entered correctly and the form submitted, the dialogue closes, the visitor is logged in to wikiloops with the instantly created free user account and redirected back to your bands page, where all features offered to band members are immediately available.
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Inviting wikiloops members to your band

During band setup and on the band managing-page, you have the option to invite wikiloops members.

To invite a user, follow these steps, and repeat steps 1-3 for any other wikiloops user you would like to invite:

Locate the text-field below the headline "Invite other wikiloops users" and start entering the username of the member to invite.
A drop-down menu appears below the text-area, displaying matching users and their avatar images. Select the user to invite and press enter or click on the correct username to add the user to the to-invite list.
On success, the user-to-invites avatar image appears in the "invited users" display below the invitation text-field.
The invitation has not yet been sent, so you may still remove the newly added user by clicking the "remove"-button offered below the newly added avatars.
Once you have added all users you intend to invite, click on the "send invitations"-button offered below.
The invited member receives a newsfeed notification about the invitation, and may access the bands page, which also appears listed in their user profiles "bands"-tab.
Invited users appear on the bands page as "Invited guests" until their status changes to "active member" of the band as they upload a first contribution to the bands collaborations.
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