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Ways to browse remixes of your tracks and Albums featuring you

Ways to browse remixes of your tracks and Albums featuring you

Browsing remixes of your tracks

Once you are familiar with navigating different remixes of one collaboration, you will know how to navigate to the available remixes of the track you are currently listening to.

This article covers an alternative way of browsing remixes of your tracks, which offers you a list of all received remixes regardless of belonging to one specific collaboration.

To view your list of received remixes, follow these steps:

Visit your user profile by clicking on your username in the top navigation bar of wikiloops
Open the "Tracks"-tab
In the first drop-down menu offered ad the very top of the tracks tab, select "remixes of YOURNAME tracks"
Optionally, use the other drop-downs to apply a different order (default is ordered by date, with the latest remix at the top) or an instrument filter on the list.
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Browse albums featuring your tracks or remixes of your tracks

Anytime one of your tracks or a remix of one of your tracks is added to a wikiloops album, you will receive a newsfeed notification to let you know.
To allow browsing albums on which you have been featured in the future, these are listed on the bottom of the "Playlists"-tab of your user profile.

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If only Wikiloops was around when I was younger, I would be a lot richer as a musician. I,ts great to share. Thanks Wikiloops.

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